Realmz requires a Macintosh with 256 Color, 2 Meg free ram, 68020 CPU or better, and a display with 640 x 480 resolution or larger. It does NOT work with the Apple 12" monitor and I do not have any plans of rewriting the code to allow it to do so.
Known problems with Realmz
1) May not work with 100% compatibility on the 660AV, 840AV or the IIcx. I am working to try and correct this problem. You may want to select the option, "Fast Trade/Buy/Sell" in the preferences. This may help avoid theproblem on these systems.
2) The sound may breakup or sound scratchy from time to time.
3) The suggested memory for Realmz is 2000K. The more you give it, the better it will run. 3000K should be enough to maximize the performance. If you start to experience portions of the screen not refreshing or letters not showing up, this may be a sign that you need to allocate more memory to Realmz in the finders info box.
These are the known or suspected problems with this version. This thing is a large undertaking for a one-man operation and I can only work on this during my spare time. We labor on, however....